count on


count on

arvioida, tuomita, arvostella, laskea, luulla, luottaa jhk, ennustaa, varautua, ottaa huomioon, ottaa laskuihin, ottaa lukuun.

Rimmaavat sanat

count on rimmaa näiden kanssa:

roll-on, bourbon, radon, neon, argon, tuohon, stadion, olympiastadion, uimastadion, moottoristadion...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

count on (englanti > suomi)

  1. luottaa

count on englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä to rely on, trust, or expect

  2. Dont count on being able to get back into the building after 5pm.''

    Can we count on you to help out?

  3. Macaulay

  4. He was brewer to the palace; and it was apprehended that the government counted on his voice.
  5. 1999, (w), (w)

  6. The first time you meet that someone special, you can count on them one day being dead and in the ground.
  7. 2001, Builders Guide to Accounting‎''

  8. Or perhaps something unusual occurred in the current period that you can't count on to repeat itself.
  9. 2009, USA Today - Going green: Young talent cuts costs, builds continuity

  10. "Hopefully you can count on them for a long period of time. Quite frankly, not often do you give those players up."
